Now we are staying at Edisto State Park for a couple of days. We had a nice spot, close to the beach and bathrooms. We went down to the beach and-OUCH! Dag-nabbit, dem nasty burs got meh again! I really don’t like burs. Once we get to a place with them, we go crazy. At least I do, I don’t know about anyone else. One time, they found their way into our RV via our shoes and were everywhere! You couldn’t walk bare foot without being pricked. So anyway, I took, it out of my foot, got a splinter there, and then got one in my hand. I could take the one in my hand out though.
We played around the beach for a while. There were so many shells! When we were walking back to our RV through the campground I was looking at a small trailer and thinking: That’s a cute little trailer! That’s when I walked into a tree. Tree hugger. My Mom wanted to check out the area on a bike ride. She couldn’t get Tyler to go, so it was just my Mom and I. We peddled along the road, but then we saw a bike trail. We went down there. It was going through the woods. There were a couple of bridges going over the murky, grassy, water too. There was one sharp turn that when I turned, since the ground was sandy, I slid towards a tree. I missed it by at most an inch, phew! We biked all the way to the end, and there was a boat ramp with a little dock. I biked up it and my Mom got some shots of me on the edge. She made it look like I was biking on water. The ride back seemed short, mostly because we were going downhill. We looked around for ice cream places when we got out of the woods because it would’ve been perfect, but no luck.
We went to the sunset after a few hours to a small little dock that we saw earlier. The sunset was too cloudy. The next morning we went looking for more geocaches.
The first two we had no luck, but when we went on the trail, we found it. When we got really close, we read it again. The only part I heard was an ammo box, and a cool tree. Everyone was looking hard, but they couldn’t find anything. I was just wandering aimlessly like I always do, and then I saw a pretty cool tree. I dropped my bike, and walked over to it. Through the branches I could see a box. Why would that be there? Then I snapped out of it and realized it was the ammo box. I yelled for everyone to come over. My Mom wanted to take a video of my Dad opening it. When he opened it, Tyler said “Look at all that…..junk.” That had made us laugh. It was useless stuff. My Dad found a signature log, and I wrote The Hadwens. That would’ve made a good ending, wouldn’t it? In fact I’ll put that same line on the real ending. Well no, there’s more.
When we got back, we took a break, and hung out for a while, but since my Mom can’t stand always being in the RV, we went for a beach ride. The bad thing in ride is that you need to ride something. In this case, that something is our bikes. The sand was too mushy for my Mom to do, but my Dad, Tyler and I could do it. Tyler got splashed, so he went back with Dad. On the other hand, there are more fingers. I mean, I almost got soaked. I realized I was slowing down and going nowhere fast. There was a big wave coming, and I had to make up my mind, and fast. I chose chicken and jumped off and ran away making clucking sounds. At least my seat didn’t get wet. There were piles of shells! Out of all of them, you would think it would be easy to find a good one. I did find a few nice ones though. We found a nice place for the sunset. The beach was weird because there was a wall that made the beach uneven and it helped made big sand cliff. If you have ever stood on the edge of one, you would know that they collapse. I didn’t realize what it was when my Mom wanted me to stand on the edge of it so she could take a picture. She got her picture, but then the ground below me was no more. A big wave was coming, but I bounced right back up before you say “Uh oh” I just sat down on a pole with my feet dangling over the waves. It felt nice, with the wind in my face, watching the sunset. We watched for a while then we finally decided it was time to go.
Edisto Beach State Park is located just one island north of Hilton Head and is full of hiking and biking trails that provide a wonderful tour of the park. These trails were really nicely groomed, lots of boardwalk bridges over the marshland and we found our first geocache in the State Park.
Click here and you can see and hear the boys reaction to opening up their treasure. #priceless
I have never seen so many shells! It looks like someone came by with front end loaders and just dumped them on the beach. It was like kneeling in glass to get that shot!
cool shapes in the clouds |
If you want to see some video of Scout on the beach, click here and here.
There was a bit of a chill in the air today, then, when we were on the beach we would get a blast of warm wind. It almost felt like it was a warm fire blowing on was something I had never experienced before today. It was quite windy overnight so maybe it was a warm and cold front coming together.
And, look Dad, among all the things Scott can do, he also braids!
Time to get this show on the road and move a bit further up the coast for one last beach stop before we head inland.